The Nicole Sandler Show is broadcast live weekdays 5-6pm Eastern at, featuring interviews with newsmakers and commentary about the news of the day.

Nicole Sandler speaks with voice actor D.C. Douglas, who left a voicemail message at FreedomWorks that cost him his gig as the announcer voice for GEICO

Direct download: 4-22-10_Nicole_Sandler-_DC_Douglas.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 6:53pm MST

Nicole talks Earth Day (and more) with Jeff Regen of Defenders of Wildlife, talks with Justin Coussoule-the Democratic candidate challenging John Boehner for his House seat; voice actor DC Douglas who lost his GEICO gig for leaving a critical voicemail for FreedomWorks, and with comedian/actor/writer John Fugelsang...

Direct download: 4-22-10_Nicole_Sandler_Show_.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 6:18pm MST