The Nicole Sandler Show is broadcast live weekdays 5-6pm Eastern at, featuring interviews with newsmakers and commentary about the news of the day.

Nicole Sandler speaks with Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress, Zack Kaldveer of the Consumer Federation of Californa about the cost of war vs the cost of college, activist/author David Swanson about tomorrow's "Teach In on Capital Hill" about ending the wars, and congressional candidate Joe Garcia

Direct download: 4-28-10_Nicole_Sandler_Show_.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 6:53pm MST

Joe Garcia, candidate for US Congress from Florida's 15th district speaks with Nicole Sandler on Radio or Not.

Direct download: 4-28-10_Nicole_Sandler_with_Joe_Garcia.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 6:17pm MST