The Nicole Sandler Show is broadcast live weekdays 5-6pm Eastern at, featuring interviews with newsmakers and commentary about the news of the day.
Nicole Sandler speaks with Brave New Foundation's Derrick Crowe about the Stanley McChrystal Rolling Stone article, and the quagmire that is Afghanistan.​
Direct download: 6-22-10_Nicole_Sandler_with_Derrick_Crowe.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 5:59pm MST

Nicole Sandler speaks with TPM's Christina Bellantonio and Brave New Foundation's Dereck Crowe about the Rolling Stone article about Stanley McChrystal. Author Nikolas Kozloff also joined us to talk about the dangers of methane from the BP disaster
Direct download: 6-22-10_Nicole_Sandler_Show_.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 5:42pm MST