Wed, 29 April 2009
Nicole Sandler speaks with NY Times bestselling author Neil Strauss about his book "Emergency: This book will save your life"
Direct download: 4-29-09_Its_the_End_of_the_World_as_We_Know_It.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 2:01pm MST |
Tue, 28 April 2009
A duet, of sorts, between Bruce Springsteen and John Kerry...
Direct download: Last_To_Die_production_piece.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 12:53pm MST |
Tue, 28 April 2009
The Senate Foreign Relations testimony of Rick Reyes with the soundtrack of Edwin Starr's "War"
Tue, 28 April 2009
Nicole Sandler interviews Retired Marine Corporal Rick Reyes on Air America Radio
Mon, 27 April 2009
Nicole Sandler finds out everything we need to know about the Employee Free Choice Act.
Direct download: 4-27-09_Employee_Free_Choice_Act.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:40pm MST |
Mon, 27 April 2009
Nicole Sandler speaks with Dr. Sean Kenniff about the swine flu, and with The Nation's John Nichols about how a pandemic could affect economic recovery.
Direct download: 4-27_Swine-Sean_Kenniff-John_Nichols.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:39pm MST |
Thu, 23 April 2009
Nicole Sandler's (almost) 10-year old daughter Alison joined in on today's Radio or Not Podcast...
Direct download: 4-23_Take_Your_Child_to_Work_Day.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 8:01am MST |
Tue, 21 April 2009
Nicole Sandler comments on the torture memos and speaks with former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern
Direct download: 4-21_torture_and_treason_and_lies_oh_my.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 2:38pm MST |
Mon, 20 April 2009
A look at 4/20... from guns to marijuana |
Thu, 16 April 2009
Nicole Sandler interviews's Robert Greenwald about The Cost of War-- part 3 of "Rethinking Afghanistan"
Thu, 16 April 2009
Nicole Sandler interviews Freedomworks VP of Public Policy, Max Pappas, on the day after the teabag parties
Direct download: 4-16_Max_Pappas_and_emailer_re_tea_parties.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:14pm MST |
Thu, 16 April 2009
Nicole Sandler interviews the VP of Public Policy for Freedom Works on 4/14 -- the day before the teabagging protests
Direct download: 4-14_max_pappas_freedom_works.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:12pm MST |
Wed, 15 April 2009
A celebration of today's teabagging parties
Wed, 15 April 2009
Nicole Sandler speaks with's Glenn Greenwald about the Obama administration continuing with the unconstitutional activities of the Bush administration
Wed, 8 April 2009
Radio or Not's Nicole Sandler speaks with Ron Brynaert, executive editor of
Wed, 8 April 2009
Radio or Not's Nicole Sandler speaks with activist and author David Swanson on Air America
Tue, 7 April 2009's Nicole Sandler speaks with Dan Weeks, President of Americans for Campaign Reform about publicly funded elections, and the Fair Elections Now Act currently before Congress.
Direct download: 4-7-09_Campaign_Finance_Reform.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:04pm MST |
Tue, 7 April 2009
Nicole Sandler interviews actor John C. McGinley and high school student and documentarian Noah Gray about the campaign to end the use of the "R Word"
Mon, 6 April 2009
Nicole talks about the loss of progressive talk stations around the country on Air America
Fri, 3 April 2009
As of tonight at 6PM, there will be no more "progressive talk" radio in South Florida. Nicole Sandler gives the eulogy.
Thu, 2 April 2009
On the day of the final episode of ER, Nicole Sandler takes a look back at the medical drama/dramedy/comedy on television...
Wed, 1 April 2009
South Florida's Progressive Talk Radio Station is dying. Time of death will officially come this Friday evening.
Direct download: 4-1-09_Funeral_for_a_Friend.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 11:37am MST |