The Nicole Sandler Show is broadcast live weekdays 5-6pm Eastern at, featuring interviews with newsmakers and commentary about the news of the day.
Nicole Sandler speaks with NY Times bestselling author Neil Strauss about his book "Emergency: This book will save your life"
Direct download: 4-29-09_Its_the_End_of_the_World_as_We_Know_It.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 2:01pm MST

A duet, of sorts, between Bruce Springsteen and John Kerry...
Direct download: Last_To_Die_production_piece.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 12:53pm MST

The Senate Foreign Relations testimony of Rick Reyes with the soundtrack of Edwin Starr's "War"
Direct download: War-_Reyes_production.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 12:52pm MST

Nicole Sandler interviews Retired Marine Corporal Rick Reyes on Air America Radio
Direct download: 4-28-09_Rick_Reyes.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 12:51pm MST

Nicole Sandler finds out everything we need to know about the Employee Free Choice Act.
Direct download: 4-27-09_Employee_Free_Choice_Act.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:40pm MST

Nicole Sandler speaks with Dr. Sean Kenniff about the swine flu, and with The Nation's John Nichols about how a pandemic could affect economic recovery.
Direct download: 4-27_Swine-Sean_Kenniff-John_Nichols.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:39pm MST

Nicole Sandler's (almost) 10-year old daughter Alison joined in on today's Radio or Not Podcast...
Direct download: 4-23_Take_Your_Child_to_Work_Day.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 8:01am MST

Nicole Sandler comments on the torture memos and speaks with former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern
Direct download: 4-21_torture_and_treason_and_lies_oh_my.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 2:38pm MST

 A look at 4/20... from guns to marijuana

Direct download: 4-20-09_What_a_day.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 9:20am MST

Nicole Sandler interviews's Robert Greenwald about The Cost of War-- part 3 of "Rethinking Afghanistan"
Direct download: 4-16_Robert_Greenwald.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:15pm MST

Nicole Sandler interviews Freedomworks VP of Public Policy, Max Pappas, on the day after the teabag parties
Direct download: 4-16_Max_Pappas_and_emailer_re_tea_parties.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:14pm MST

Nicole Sandler interviews the VP of Public Policy for Freedom Works on 4/14 -- the day before the teabagging protests
Direct download: 4-14_max_pappas_freedom_works.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:12pm MST

A celebration of today's teabagging parties
Direct download: 4-15_teabagging_mix.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:14pm MST

Nicole Sandler speaks with's Glenn Greenwald about the Obama administration continuing with the unconstitutional activities of the Bush administration
Direct download: 4-15-09_Glenn_Greenwald.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 12:30pm MST

Radio or Not's Nicole Sandler speaks with Ron Brynaert, executive editor of
Direct download: 4-7-09_AAR-_Rawstory.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 8:51am MST

Radio or Not's Nicole Sandler speaks with activist and author David Swanson on Air America
Direct download: 4-7-09_David_Swanson_-AAR.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 8:50am MST's Nicole Sandler speaks with Dan Weeks, President of Americans for Campaign Reform about publicly funded elections, and the Fair Elections Now Act currently before Congress.
Direct download: 4-7-09_Campaign_Finance_Reform.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 1:04pm MST

Nicole Sandler interviews actor John C. McGinley and high school student and documentarian Noah Gray about the campaign to end the use of the "R Word"
Direct download: 3-27-09_The_R_Word.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 12:16pm MST

Nicole talks about the loss of progressive talk stations around the country on Air America
Direct download: 4-6-09_RIP_WINZ.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 6:29pm MST

As of tonight at 6PM, there will be no more "progressive talk" radio in South Florida. Nicole Sandler gives the eulogy.
Direct download: 4-3-09_RIP_949_WINZ.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 10:06am MST

On the day of the final episode of ER, Nicole Sandler takes a look back at the medical drama/dramedy/comedy on television...
Direct download: 4-2-09_End_of_an__Era__2.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 2:17pm MST

South Florida's Progressive Talk Radio Station is dying.  Time of death will officially come this Friday evening.
Direct download: 4-1-09_Funeral_for_a_Friend.mp3
Category:politics and news -- posted at: 11:37am MST